Message for Sunday 19th April 2020
This week I want to commend you to our Bible readings – maybe you could try Lectio Divina. Reading the passage, or a portion of it that stands out for you, slowly several times, with a space in between each reading.
We hear Jesus saying “Peace be with you” and, of course, now is a time when we need to hear those words loud and clear. Jesus was standing among his friends, his disciples, and imparted to them the Holy Spirit. Our prayer this week could be: “Lord, help me to receive each day, more powerfully than before, your Holy Spirit. Amen. ”
I also want to comment on the reading from the book of Acts – we always have these readings in Easter season, and with good reason. We see how the early, first, Christian church began. And again… ‘Wow!’ these words are pertinent for us now. Peter addresses the crowd and recalls the words from the Prophet Joel, bringing the words of God:
‘I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below. The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before the great and glorious day of the Lord arrives. But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’