Message for Sunday 12th April 2020
Here we are on our most significant day in our church calendar and spiritual life. The celebration of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The day that heralds for us our victory over death, the promise of eternal life and the life in abundance that we have access to now.
We have been urged more than ever to stay at home this weekend, the Bishop of Dover, Rev’d Rose Hudson-Wilkin affirmed this on national TV on Good Friday. It is a great sadness for us not to gather as the church of God on this very special day – but, today, more than ever, we must do our part in this, keeping others safe and serving the needs of this current time. This is what Christians, inspired by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, have done for centuries.
Some of us have been making Easter Gardens to put outside out homes, and I think this time will inspire new ideas for Christian witness going forward! Please do join in with the liturgy in this document for Easter Day as we stay well, safe and very blessed.